About me
Photo by Mateo Barrenengoa
I’m a filmmaker.
I direct, produce, write, shoot, and edit films. My best films have helped fight for the survival of creatures, places, and stories we might not think about so often.
As a Producer on the Impact Story Lab at the National Geographic Society, I’ve made films from an impact-first perspective. That means I work closely with an impact partner—usually a Nat Geo-funded scientist or photographer—to decide what media will help them achieve their goals. This approach has led to award-winning short films like Flora, Fauna, Funga, which you see me working on in Patagonia on this page.
I also worked in education media for Nat Geo Society, creating everything from 90 second sizzles for online courses to 30+ min. shows for students during the pandemic. I’ve helped create and teach workshops about the Impact Story Lab’s unique approach.
Before that, I was a film instructor at George Washington and Marymount Universities.
Before that, I got an M.F.A. in film at American University.
And before that, I worked in conservation non-profit media, and got a degree in biology.
Any day spent outside is a good day. In my free time I’m an avid mountain biker, canoeist, climber, hiker, and Dad.